Saturday, June 02, 2007

A gloriously sunny June day - just right to go out and deliver some leaflets! Well, after sitting in a training session for 6 hours yesterday on Employee Appeals procedures I needed to do some walking today. I followed the Employee Appeals session with a meeting in Stockton hosted by Justice First. An MP from the Democratic Republic of Congo who is in exile here in the UK came to speak to a small group, including our MEP, Fiona Hall, who was an EU observer at the elections there. He told us about atrocities still being committed despite a supposedly democratic government now. Some of what he talked about happened years ago, but one massacre happened just a couple of days ago - horrifying stuff. And yet our government insists that it's a safe country and sends back people whose asylum claims have not been granted.
This morning I had a complaint from a resident about the rubbish in Coatham Stob wood car park, so that was an excuse to take a little excursion up there. It really is disgusting - the car park and open ground next to it are being ruined by bottles, boxes, cartons and goodness knows what. I've sent an e-mail to all the people I think might be able to help sort things out up there, but of course the earliest they'll get it is Monday.
Meanwhile, courtesy of a relative on the other side of the world - here's a site to give you a smile. Type in your name and see how its "dictionary" defines you.

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