Thursday, February 19, 2009

I haven't been doing a great deal of writing on here recently, having more pressing issues to deal with. That doesn't mean I haven't been doing things though.
Following the article I wrote in Gossip last month I've been amazed and pleased by the number of residents of Eaglescliffe and Yarm who took the trouble to write, phone and e-mail about the footpath in front of the former Funeral Parlour turned restaurant now being converted into flats. It isn't a public right of way at the moment, despite having been used for about 100 years by people.
Parking in Newsam Road reared its head again this morning with a repeat of a complaint I had last year about parking over dropped kerbs. Couple that sort of inconsiderate parking with people dropping litter and generally being antisocial and is it any wonder some residents get upset. Care for Your Area have promised to have a look at the issues around litter and ruined grass verges and parking enforcement will be looking into the parking issues so things should improve at least for a time.
Meanwhile, please don't put up with such problems in silence. If there is litter being dropped in your garden, or glass broken on the pavement ring 391959 and report it. The people on the end of the phone are very helpful and will soon get the message out to the relevant staff.

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