Saturday, December 03, 2005

December Already?

Where did November go? Amongst other things I spent time with my family which was good, had numerous meetings about changes in Children's Services and chased our local water provider about a leak.
The leak in question was not just any old leak - we are talking hundreds of litres a day here. But "it's not a water main - it hasn't any chlorine in it". My simple mind didn't expect it to have chlorine in it when it had bubbled its way up through several feet of clay.
Then: "It's been mended" - this when I am standing watching it flowing freely.
Then: "Its a land drain" - on the highest bit of land around???
Then: "It's a sewer - but not one of ours!"
Finally, when the Borough Engineers started talking about mending it and charging them, behold it was a water main, and it was mended.
Unfortunately they then decided to dig another 2 holes to create a triangle round the road junction.
Watch this space!!

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