Friday, July 30, 2010

There was a fascinating programme on BBC2 last night which I sat and watched to the end. Those who know me well know how unusual that is:). I stumbled across 5 Days that Changed Britain when looking for something to keep the brain active while ironing. I'm so glad I did. It was an unusual programme in that the presenter did very little interpreting, letting the words speak for themselves. I came away with a couple of very distinct impressions: First of all how unbelievably incompetent Labour were at negotiation. They admitted freely to going in to the room to discuss coalition without any sort of "game plan", no idea of what they wanted and how they would try to get it. No wonder they got the country into a mess. Secondly, Nick Clegg isn't as green as he's cabbage looking to quote an old Northern saying. He certainly had a fair idea of what he wanted for the party and for the country and made decisions on how to balance the two. He might not have made the decisions which some of his party would have made but we'll never know for sure as no-one else was in the position he occupied. And thirdly, David Cameron is ambitious, clever and devious - so no surprises there! Well done BBC2 for a good, thought provoking programme.

1 comment:

Darlington Councillor said...

Hi Maureen.

I have to say that the bit which had me spluttering into my late-night cornflakes was the revelation by Clegg that he'd formed the view that early hard cuts were necessary, when he was saying precisely the opposite to the British people right up to polling day.

(The New Statesman has an excellent article by Mehdi Hasan here

For some, this just confirms what we already know about the LibDems famously "flexible" approach to honest campaigning, but for a lot of voters (especially those who were conned into voting LibDem for the first time) I suspect it has come as a nasty shock.

Best wishes,
