Friday, February 24, 2012

More good news

Another stage in the improvements to Eaglescliffe Station was completed today - the ticket office was officially launched.  Unfortunately it's not fully operational yet because the ticket machine hasn't been delivered despite being expected over a week ago.
The Shutter rolls up on the Ticket Office
Stockton Council invested in the refurbishment of the building in partnership with Chester-le-Track who will operate it.  Grand Central Trains have supported and encouraged, because their service is very popular from Eaglescliffe and they see this station as the hub for the Teesside area.  Very unusually for a train operating company they are investing real money in the improvements, specifically to the car park, and we hope to see them taking shape later in the year.
These improvments are the culmination of years of campaigning by Lib Dem councillors for the area - first as the wards of Egglescliffe and Preston, then as the combined ward of Eaglescliffe.  Jeremy Atkinson, Mike Cherrett, John Fletcher all played their parts.  In recent years the dawning realisation that oil won't last for ever and the atmosphere can't absorb unlimited amounts of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxides has combined with that campaign to produce a willingness on the parts of politicians, business leaders and council officers to work on solutions.  We now look forward to the better waiting facilities and car parking that are planned, along with the campaign to get the pedestrian bridge reinstated to allow residents on the other side of the line more choice of trains than they can possibly get at Allen's West, including the option of a direct train to London.

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