Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two comments today on St Margaret's play area. First a resident congratulating the Parish Council on getting such a brilliant refurbishment of the park. She thought it wonderful and is really thrilled that her daughter has such a good park to go and play in. Later in the day came a message from a resident near the park - why does the enforcement van patrol the area at 5.25pm when everyone's home having their tea, but not come out at night when there is a problem? I have asked the same question of the enforcement team and I await the answer with interest.
Meanwhile a couple of hours of sorting through papers left in piles since May has nicely filled a blue bag!
A little stint in the garden produced a bowl of luscious cherries just crying out to be eaten. The ripe morello cherries cooked down well with some brambles and apple for pudding tonight, and the last of the raspberries will be eaten tomorrow - I do love harvesting at this time of year.


Anonymous said...

Will we have an enforecment team soon? Sounds like this section of the Police may fade away.

Maureen Rigg said...

Enforcement isn't part of the Police force but is run by the Borough Council so not fading away any time soon.