Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A European View

Denis and I took a few days off politics over the weekend and visited Paris.  The reasons for the choice of city and the timing are not for the blog but we were very relieved on Friday when we arrived at Newcastle Airport for our flight to find that it was leaving on time unlike the ones to Amsterdam which were cancelled thanks to the bad weather there.
We had snow in Paris but it didn't stop us wandering the streets and the Christmas markets, enjoying mulled wine and hot chestnuts and soaking up the atmosphere.  It was interesting to see how well wrapped up the locals were - boots and warm coats, scarves, hats and gloves were everywhere.  Even teenagers were sensibly dressed.  I couldn't help but contrast it with Yarm on an evening where hardly anyone seems to wear a coat whatever the weather.
The local TV news had quite a bit of coverage of the weather disruption to holidays but the press front page news was of problems in Africa and other international events.  The weather was relegated to the middle of the newspaper, again a huge contrast to what I'd left behind.
Of course I wasn't totally out of touch with the UK.  The wonders of modern technology meant that my colleagues could keep me up to date with what was going on in the ward and the borough, and we could still plan our activities even though miles apart.
Photos will follow when I can upload them.

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