Tuesday, June 05, 2007

At long last the local paper published the letter I wrote over a week ago, putting right a misconception about the Lib Dem reasons for not being part of the Stockton Council Cabinet. Yesterday they published a half page article about the new Leader, but that's news.
Today was the first meeting of the Renaissance Partnership, Stockton's Local Strategic Partnership, since the election. The main agenda item was the start of the consultation on Stockton's Sustainable Community Strategy. It sounds a bit dull and heavy, but is actually very important and interesting. It will set the direction for policies on everything from play areas to keeping elderly infirm people safe in their own homes, from regeneration of town centres to encouraging new businesses. They'll all be in there. So it's really important that we get it right, and then that we set the plans under it to achieve the ambitions we have for the Borough.

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