Thursday, February 28, 2008

Environmental Improvements

The council budget set last night included money to continue allocations to wards for the improvements identified as priorities by the residents there. At the same time we found out that, contrary to what we'd been told previously, we can carry forward the money we haven't spent this year.
The reason for not spending the money was that when we identified certain projects we were told that they were already being done, or some of the money was coming from another budget, or it simply couldn't be done. Now we may be able to do one or two bigger projects in the coming year by working with the Area Transport Strategy group to jointly fund road crossings. Meanwhile it's good to see all the bulbs we had planted growing strongly along Durham Lane and Yarm Road as well as being able to walk from Butts Lane to Stony Bank without plodging through mud and puddles. That particular piece of work needed a lot of input from a number of residents as well as councillors over several years but it was all worthwhile in the end.
Of course, if residents have suggestions for further improvements in the ward please let us know as soon as possible.

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