Friday, February 08, 2008

What cost Home Safety?

I discovered this week that it's only just become illegal to install a gas cooker in a flat unless it has a flame detection device fitted. It's still not illegal to sell them for houses, and the only cookers that have them seem to be at the very expensive end of the market. I'm horrified that people can buy a gas cooker which could kill them and their neighbours - if the flame blows out the gas just keeps on coming out. Someone with no sense of smell could switch something on, generate a spark and blow the house to pieces. Yet our law-makers don't see this as a priority.
Meanwhile, Focus is printed and well on the way to being delivered to every home in the ward. It's always interesting to see where the first comment comes from as they drop through the letter boxes. For once this time, it was a comment on recycling rather than on planning which arrived first. The planning ones followed soon afterwards though, as people realised the scale of the application which has gone in for an industrial estate. The thought of all the HGVs going past Hunter's Green estate fills residents there with dismay. I have no idea whether planning permission will be granted but I do know that if it is I'll have a lot of disappointed people.

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