Friday, September 30, 2011

Human Rights?

Eric Pickles seems to think that it's a basic human right to have my bin emptied every week. 
Millions of people in poor and developing parts of the world would welcome the basic human rights of clean water, enough food, shelter and safety.  Those rights are violated for many every minute of every day.
A little further along the scale of rights might come the right to be cared for humanely when sick and especially when incurably sick.
The Coffee Stall from the Staircase
It was these latter rights that were being celebrated and encouraged today in the foyer of Municipal Buildings as Stockton Borough Fairtrade Partnership organised a coffee morning to raise funds for Macmillan Nurses.  The event also commemorated Allison Trainer, a Thornaby councillor who died last year after a long illness.  Fairtrade coffee and snacks were provided and people made donations to the Macmillan funds.  Councillors and staff going about their daily work could take a few minutes to help some of the most vulnerable in society, here and overseas, while enjoying delicious coffee and nibbles.  For the sweet toothed there were biscuits and fruit bars while for the more savoury tooth there were chilli and tamari flavoured apricot kernels - all the flavour of almonds without the problems of nuts!  What more could anyone ask?
So tell me honestly Mr Pickles - which of these is really a right?  A weekly bin emptying or a meal on my plate or care in my last days?  Do you really have to think about the answer?

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