Sunday, September 04, 2011

Local Food

We hear quite a bit about food miles and the impact on the environment of transporting food half way round the globe each day, so it was good to be able to go over to the Community Centre yesterday and buy food grown in local people's allotments and gardens.  Many people who grow their own veg or fruit find that "everything comes at once" from time to time.  How many cabbages can one family eat in a month?  This year seems to have been particularly good for apples and plums round here.  Egglescliffe Community Centre decided last year to try having an Autumn Fair and allowing local people to bring along their excess produce to sell or swap.  It was a success and so it was repeated this year.  Volunteers ran a cafe, something missing most days from Orchard shops, and fruit and veg were sold.  I was a bit late so there wasn't much left, but I came away with some superb plums and a bunch of turnips.  Who knows, now that we are finally the happy tenants of an allotment, we might be taking a table at the sale next year?

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