Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

The end of a very busy week approaches. Last weekend passed in a blur of hospital visiting, rearranging Easter Sunday activities and preparing to have our grand-daughter for her first visit without parents. She was a real hit, attending meetings with me and generally being a great distraction from the work around us. I managed to return her safely to her parents mid-week.
On Thursday I presented the report of the Children and Young People Select Committee on Bullying to the Cabinet. After almost no debate the recommendations were all agreed except one. Interestingly, it was the one which was strongly promoted by one of the Labour members of the committee. On this occasion, as on several others in this committee in the past, party politics was put aside in a genuine attempt to get the best result for the young people of the borough. The recommendation which caused the upset was one suggesting that the council doesn't buy a piece of software until the schools have all been consulted on whether they'd use it. The officers say they have no choice, the union reps said they were very dubious and the Cabinet followed the advice of the officers. It'll be interesting to see whether anything is made of the decision at Council on Wednesday.

Though I'm not normally superstitious about such things, today certainly wasn't an auspicious one! Hurrying to get some tasks done before a meeting I was first stuck in a traffic jam caused by the Gas main needing emergency work, then in one caused by a train at the station keeping the level crossing shut. Then discovered that my mother-in-law hadn't been able to go out on a planned trip because she wasn't well, then that I couldn't access the internet on the council laptop. I gave up and went out for a late meal at the local vegetarian restaurant with my husband!

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