Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Week to Go

Well, postal votes have hit the mats and lots of people have already sent them in. Canvassing continues apace and people do seem very positive. Next Friday morning's count will tell the final tale. So many things could change in Stockton if only people will give us a chance.
Meanwhile the last planning committee of the council year took place yesterday. The plans for the temporary cafe in Stockton High Street were passed despite serious misgivings on the part of some. A cafe that relies on the Shambles being open to give access to the public toilet seems to me and some of the other members a wrong approach. To say that it's temporary and will move if need be for the International Riverside Festival seemed to fly in the face of business planning - who moves away at the busiest time for them? However, a majority of the committee agreed to approve the application so it went through. Leaves a bit of a sour taste at the end of the municipal year.
The Parish Council had its final meeting of the year tonight, but the two members who decided not to stand again couldn't be there so no chance to say a final farewell to them. Sue's been on the council since before me, and Pete for 10 years. In their different ways they'll be missed. In two weeks there'll be a new chairman, new vice-chairman and one new member. Times they are a-changing.

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