Sunday, April 01, 2007

Palm Sunday

Sunday mornings are politics-free zones, with family and church taking precedence even this close to an election. That doesn't stop people talking to me about local issues when they see me, but I'm not going to do anything about them immediately. Palm Sunday service starts in the Parish Hall with the blessing of the palms, and continues with a procession into the church. It's not a very long way, but it is a rare act of witness in our busy lives.
A large chunk of the remainder of the day was spent on laying out Focus, ready for printing and delivery before Easter. I enjoy working on the layout, but it does take a long time. The regular buzz of e-mails arriving reminded me that the rest of the team were busy too, responding to complaints and enquiries from residents and commenting on planning applications in the ward.
When not working on Focus I had other IT problems to worry about. A virus on our PC meant I was working on a laptop, which isn't as comfortable for long periods. Something went funny on it and I couldn't handle one set of photos a colleague had sent me. Then it decided to crash every time I tried to do certain things. By the end of the evening I was tearing my hair.

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