Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hands Across the World

This morning's post brought a card for Thinking Day from a Girl Scout Leader in America. Betsy and I camped together many years ago and corresponded for a few years but then gradually other responsibilities pushed the letters further and further apart. Last week, courtesy of the Facebook group against building the school in Preston Park she "found" me again. Lots of catching up via email and Facebook but she also found time to send a card. "Make new friends but keep the old" - how apt.
Today was also the meeting of the Faitrade Borough Partnership, with a chance to take stock of where we are and where we want to be. This year's Fairtrade Fortnight theme of the Big Swap is asking us all to change one unfairly traded item for a Fairtrade one in our regular shop. I've found it quite hard to decide - I already do the easy ones. Fairtrade tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate, cocoa, raisins, sultanas, wine, beer, honey, peanut butter, rice and pasta are all in the larder. Fruit makes its way there in season but isn't always available where I shop. T-shirts made from Fairtrade cotton are in my wardrobe. Until I lose some weight I can't buy the other beautiful Fairtrade clothes which are made for people who eat sustainably and stay at a sustainable size. I'm going to go to Boots and look for their Fairtrade moisturiser creams. Almond body butter sounds good enough to eat! And buying it supports farmers who otherwise would be facing extreme poverty and hardship. I like win/win situations.

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